Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Nogas Island

                        June 10 when we decided to go to this Island. I just saw this island when I'm looking and checking what are the other places I can visit while I'm in iloilo because in a few weeks we will be back in manila. Since our trip in Malalison Island has been cancelled twice, I think this can be an alternative that we can visit for a day only. So my itchy feet together with my colleague buddy Mabel and Tim leave the boarding house early as 5:30 and took a breakfast in Jollibee Jaro, first we didn't know how to go to the terminal in Molo so we ask some of the crew of Jollibee.

            After eating our breakfast, we took a two ride jeep going to the terminal but when we reached the terminal, we were informed that the first trip of BUS going to Anini-y was already leave and the next trip will be 3 PM, we ask some of the driver on what other alternative way going to Anini-y then one of themn told us to take a san joaquin jeep and from there take a trike, luckily after giving us instruction a jeep stop in front of us which is a san joaquin trip. We ride into that jeep and after an almost 1 and 1/2 hours of travel we reach San Joaquin. From there we took a single motor ride which cost us 100 per head and took us almost 30 minutes. When we reach Siraan-Hot spring we paid an entrance of 20 pesos and from there we rent a boat going to Nogas Island.

            The boat cost us 500 peso round trip, not expensive anyway for the 3 of us and the capacity of boat is for 10 person. From siraan hot spring you can see from afar the Nogas island which the landmark is the light house. Mabel was so very excited because its her first time for her to visit a lighthouse. After almost 15 minutes in the sea, we reached the island, we are entice by the clear water that you can see what lies underneath. The path going to light house was great, it's like you're walking in the isle with calachuchi tree both side. 
The Path going to Lighthouse

            We start exploring the island, we go first to the light house, unfortunately were not able to go inside because it was closed. After taking some picture we to the mangrove farm where i saw a fish that is new to me because it has a leg, the fish was called mudskipper. After the mangrove we took a picture of an old Balete tree then we go back to the shore to take a swim in the clear water. We also saw one of the fishermen catch a huge squid and a huge fish, I forgot what's the name of the fish.

Nogas Lighthouse
The Balete Tree 
The Bats 
The Mudskipper

             While waiting for our boat, rain fell and I thought the boat will wait for the rain to stop before they pick us up, but after few minute our boat has arrived to pick us up, we travel going back to siraan hotspring while raining, I remember mabel how tight she's holding on the boat because of the wave hitting our boat, upon reaching siraan the rain started to stop. 
The huge fish 
Giant squid

              We took our lunch at one of the restaurant in Siraan hotspring then after lunch we decided to swim in the pool but we were disappointed when we saw how the pool look like. So we decided just to change our clothe and going home. The driver of a single motor or the local call it habal-habal was waiting for us. We leave Siraan hotspring at about past 1:30PM, At San Joaquin we took a bus going to Molo terminal. We reach the town of Molo at around past 5:00PM and we decided to go to Starbucks to have some coffee before we go home.

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