Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Malumpatan Island, Agho Island and Sandbar Island.


                  Wake up due to noise of I think a kind of animal on the roof, when I checked my phone it was only past 4AM in the morning, my first time in this place so i can't get my sleep anymore, I checked tim and mabel and they're still sleeping. After 30 minutes of just lying on bed forcing myself to get back to sleep but I cannot, I decided to get up and take a breath of fresh air outside. I walk into the shore with my camera waiting for the sunrise still low tide. The sun didn't show up when he rise because he was covered by clouds. So i decide to take some scene, before 6 AM I back to the room and started preparing our breakfast, tim and mabel has awake.
                  Before 7 AM our boat has arrived to pick us up for island hopping, we decided to visit the Malumpatan first, where it was feature in one of sunday program Balitang K, we leave in tambalisa at around 7 AM in the morning, we ride a boat going to malumpatan island, after 20 minutes of ride, we reach the island. The water is clear and a nice rock formation, as usual taking picture and exploring the place.
 Malumpatan Island
At the Malumpatan Island

                 There are two more island that we need to visit, so after taking some picture we leave the island and proceed to ag-ho island. We reached the g-ho island after 30 minutes which also has the same clear water as Malumpatan. It is also a white sand beaches, me, mabel and tim enjoyed the simple beauty of this island and not that crowded.

Ag-ho Island

At Ag-ho Island
                   Our last destination here is the Sandbar Island, from checking of picture on some of the website, this island is know for its sandbar, maybe from there the owner got the name of the island. All of us were excited going to that Island and as for us that's the finale which is the best island but upon reaching the island we saw that it was too crowded and it is a high tide.The sandbar was not visible although you can still walk but it was covered by water, in short we got dissapointed on what we saw. The place was crowded and lot of trash  along the shore of the island, an empty bottle, plastic and some slipper floating. The group decided still to explore the island and just taking picture only, I didn't swim anymore, Tim and Mabel took a swim for a while then we stay there for our lunch. After having our lunch with mountain dew that costs us 27 pesos per bottle, we decided to leave the island and go back to the town because the last trip of the bus from concepcion to Iloilo is 2PM and it's already 1 PM. After 30 minutes of ride we reached the town. The leave the place at around 2 PM. at around 4 PM we reached iloilo. Another adventure, another experience it was another great weekend, even though we dissapointed on what we saw in the sandbar but overall it was good.

Sandbar Island
(This trip was done on May 20, 2012)

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