Monday, July 29, 2013

Don Salvador Benedicto

When I was in Ilo-ilo they have a place called Leon which is like Baguio because of the cold weather, Now I'm in negros, they also have a place called little baguio which is the Don Salvador. After 2 days of training we decided to visit this place, it was sunday and we leave bacolod city around 6 am in the morning and took our breakfast along the way. after 2 hours of drive we reach the marker of don salvador, we can feel the cold weather because it was surrounded by the mountain and it reminds me of kenon road going to baguio because almost the same of the zigzag road. Along the road where there's a fine tree which indicates that the place is cold that those kind of tree can live. After 2 hours of drive, we reach the marker which is a statue of lion and a marker of Phil-Korean friendship.

After picture taking on the marker, we go to San Carlos and along the way we passed by  in the viewdeck which you can see the Malatan-og waterfalls which near the boundary and also a mountain view like chocolate hills.

 Malatan-og Falls

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