Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pico De Loro

My first comeback climb happen in June 14-15, 2008 where we do a traverse climb. Mt. Palay-palay known as Pico de Loro because of the peak looks like a parrots beak. My first comeback climb which self contain. First time I join climb in BAROC mountaineer. We started our hike at 8 AM in Ternate, cavite side of the mountain then reach the campsite at 2 PM. We were more than 20 hikers. Our group run out of water so some of the senior from BAROC need to go down to basecamp 1 just to get water and climb up again. 2nd day will be traverse, we will ascent on the other side which is in Nasugbu side. We start our descent at around 8 AM also and reach the other side traverse of the mountain at around 12 NN.

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