Thursday, June 28, 2012


                Our second day in the island, I wake up early to catch the sunrise. Our activity for the day is caving. Our tourist guide told us that there is a cave near where we stay. so I took a sunrise picture and go back to the house where we stay. Everyone is awake then we decided to have some coffee first  while waiting for our guide. After having some coffee, we start trek going to the cave. After 10 minutes of trek, we reach the opening of the cave. after preparing our headlamp and flashlight we started to go inside the cave. 

After caving, we go back to the place where we are staying. We reach the house at around past 9:00 in the morning. Having our breakfast (Salted fish, tomatoe and eng with fried rice) we also decided to have a fresh buko. 

After breakfast, we prepared our things and started to packed up. Its time to go back to Jaro Iloilo.  before leaving the place we took one more picture with the house owner and with Joel Decano. 

The group leave the place at around past 11:00AM, this time we will be heading for estancia. After almost 2 hours of travel by boat we reach the town of estancia, we ride a trike going to Pa-on beach where we took our lunch then after lunch we took a Van going to Iloilo.

Islas Gigantes, Carles Iloilo (Day 1)

                  It's my first time being here in this place. April 22 was our flight to iloilo for the pilot rollout branch of ENBFS system.A branch automation project in the office. We will be in jaro iloilo for one and a half month. When i knew that iloilo will be our pilot branch area. I already looking for a place that where we can go for an outdoor. I saw in one of my friend page was islas gigantes, so I started looking on the website regarding islas gigantes and which is I saw it amazing in the pictures, so I let tim one of my colleague to do the talking or bargaining regarding on boats and island hopping in the island, tim was from bacolod and know how to speak ilongo. Our first week in Jaro was a busy week because of we need to prepare the records of the branches for the migration. We decided to do our corporate worship in Roxas iloilo so that we are near to the place and we don't need to travel 4 hours from Jaro, we onlyneed almost 2 hours from Roxas. Friday April 27, 2012 we leave Jaro going to Roxas. We ride a commuter Van and leave in Tagbak terminal at around 7:00 PM. After 2 hours of travel, we reached Roxas City at around 9:00 PM. We stayed in Roxas 1 branch for a night, thank you to Pastor Dewey. April 28 we wake up early morning to prepare for our corporate worship, we attend corporate worship in Roxas 2 branch while our vendor representative Francis and Babu an indian programmer left in the branch, during our corporate worship our former colleague Farah and Yel arrived which they will join us in our trip to Carles (Islas Gigantes) around past 7:30 AM corporate worship was finish and we go back to Roxas 1 to get our things. We left Roxas at around 8:30 AM riding Ceres bus going to estansya. After an hour of travel we reach balasan where we took a jeepney ride going to Carles. We reach Carles port at around past 11:30 AM from there we met Joel Decano who was waiting for us, he is the tourism officer in Islas Gigantes. Riding a pumpboat we immediately leave Carles port going to Islas Gigantes. Together with Mabel, Yel, Farah, Praise, Tim, Francis and Babu who was first time in the Philippines and first also to do island Hopping were very excited to see the beauty of the islas.

Gaket-Gaket Islet

After almost an hour we reach Gaket-gaket islet which part of Islas Gigantes. We can't wait to off the boat to see the place. Its an small island which it was like when you see in the cartoon or commercial.. The water is very clear which is inviting you to take a deep swim. 

 The Group in Gaket-Gaket Islet

After taking picture we leave the islet and heading to the island where we will stay. After an hour again we reach the island where we will stay.  We thought we will only stay in a small nipa hut but it was surprised for us when we see the house where we will stay, I think this is the house of the tourism officer. After leaving our things, we were headed to Antonias Island where our lunch is waiting for us.

Antonias Island

Antonias Island is one of the island in Islas Gigantes. It has a fine white sand and clear water. This is where we took our lunch which is a yummy crack and scallop with fish. After we ate our lunch, tim and I explore the island together with babu and yel. 

Exploring the Island

After exploring the island, we go to tangke which is a salt water lagoon, we took a swim in that place and having fun in the water. Mabel and praise did not join us in swimming because I think Praise has a girl thing, well I don't know what the real reason and Mabel did not allowed by her doctor to swim in any water because of her operation. There are so many people in the place like us which is also a tourist. I wait for them to leave the place so that I can took a picture of the lagoon without people. After I think 30 minutes or an hour we leave te place and we go to Cabugao Island

Tangke Lagoon

Cabugao Island is like antonias Island which also a white sand island beach. Again we took a swim in this island and have some picture taking especially the jumpshot.Tim and Francis join me to find a place where I can take a top view picture of the island which we found one. Our next destination after cabugao is the what they called sandbar, this sandbar is different from sandbar of Concepcion. So we leave the cabugao after taking top view picture of the island.

Jumpshot at Cabugao Island

Top View of Cabugao Island

After Cabugao we were headed to Sandbar which is nearly sunset that time, upon reaching the sand bar, again jumpshot picture.. its a really nice sandbar beach. Taking picture with the group. I nearly missed the sunset here.

Sandbar Island
After Sandbar, the group decided to go back to the island where we stay. It's almost 6:00 PM when we leave sandbar. We reach the island where we will stay around 7:00 PM. After taking a bath dinner is ready. Again fish and sea food, Crabs, scallop and fish.


After eating dinner. The team having a little chitchat and call it a night...  

Continue on second day.........